Below you’ll find step by step instructions for setting up the Bitmain AntRouter R1-LTC to your VersaCoin Core Wallet for mining.
Troubleshooting steps to consider: While doing this process I noticed the AntRouter wifi did not always stay connected during the process. Make sure your computer is near the device and if a page stalls make sure it is still connected.
Step 1: Plug in the device. The device is designed to work between 100 – 220 volts so any standard home outlet will work.
Step 2: You’ll want to find the IP address written on the device. Also you’ll want to find the IP address to your home’s wifi router, as well as the username and password. The IP address to your wifi router you’ll use in a later step.
The IP address written on the Bitmain AntRouter R1-LTC is located in the top right corner of the label. Likely it will start with the digits 192
The IP address to your home’s modem/router will be listed on the device (unless it was previously changed). The picture below shows the IP address listed next to Admin Settings IP addresses usually start with http://192.
You’ll need to know:
The Admin Username which is usually the word “admin” unless it was changed
Admin Password should be listed right below the admin username
Step 3: Disconnect from your current wifi and connect your computer to the wifi signal being broadcast by your Bitmain AntRouter R1-LTC device. It should show up on your wifi network named AntRouter or something similar. See screenshot below.
Step 4: Enter the IP address of your wireless AntRouter into your URL. For reference of where to find the IP address see the first image in step two.
Step 5: Enter Username & Password and click login
Username = root
Password = root
Step 6: Now you’ll need to enter in the WPA Passphrase. The WPA Passphrase is the same thing as the network key / password that you have to enter whenever you want to connect to the wifi network.
Next you’ll want to switch from wan to lan then click submit
Another screen like the one below will appear just click “save & apply”.
Step 7: The AntRouter is now connected to the wifi network you selected. You’ll need to reconnect to the wifi network you selected.
Next you’ll need to login to your wifi router that we took note of earlier in step 2 (see step 2 image 2 for reference). Do this by entering in the wifi router’s IP address into your url.
Enter the username and password. The username is usually always admin unless it was changed. The password is printed on your router/modem device unless it was changed.
Now that you’ve logged in you’ll want to find a list of devices that are connected to your wifi network. Most likely the AntRouter will be listed as “Unknown device” find the IP address listed for that device and enter this into your url.
If you entered in the correct IP address you should have a screen that looks just like the previous one you saw earlier.
Enter “root” for both the username and password and click login.
Step 8: Now that you’re logged in click on the tab that says “Miner” then click on the subtab that says “R1-LTC Configuration”
Erase out all the settings listed. Under Pool 1 enter the following:
Under Pool 1 Worker enter a receiving address associated with your Versacoin wallet. This can be found by opening the Versacoin Core Wallet application found on your computer. Click on the tab labeled “Receive” then click on the “Request Payment” button. A pop-up will appear with your address listed.
Copy and Paste this address into the area Pool1 Worker
Pool 1 Password can be anything you like.
Leave the pool balance default as Failover. Click “Save and Apply”.
Your Device is now set up.
Step 11: To verify your device is working click on the R1-LTC-Status Tab and view the device is active. You could also go to and click on the tab called “Workers Stats”. If you see your versacoin wallet’s address listed on here you know that your miner is mining.
If you prefer video you can watch the following video giving you the same step by step instructions.